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Sandler Training | Milton, ON

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As a Sandler Sales Trainer, Business Owner and Mgmt. Coach, I often get asked, what is the Perfect Sales Personality for Success?

At Sandler Training, we always say, relate to the Prospect in a manner that makes them comfortable. To help people understand this, we share “social psychology” principles such as The Communication Pie, Transactional Analysis, O.K. and NOT O.K. Principle, Mirror and Matching, Neuro Linguistic Programming. Perhaps the MOST POWERFUL is to understand the D.I.S.C. Model.

There is not a best or worst or right or wrong Sales Personality. Some sales cycles are long, some sales cycles are short, some sales opportunities arrive via marketing, some sales opportunities need to be created. Depending on your Sales Cycle and Lead Generation the DISC profile for success may be different.


DISC is a Communication and Decision Making Model.

There are Extroverts; Extroverts like talking to strangers; they are Big Picture People; they like to Start New Things

There are Introverts; Introverts are great Listeners, they are Detail People, they manage Long Sales Cycles well.

There are Factual/Analytical people; These people focus on facts, strategic ideas and analyze based on results.

There are People/Relationship people; These people cherish relationships, nourish relationships, base decisions on feelings.


Utilizing DISC always remember 3 things:

1. Know yourself…what is your DISC profile?

2. Take an Educated Guess about the people your meeting with…what’s their DISC profile?

3. Adjust and Adapt if necessary.


Happy Selling. To learn more about applying DISC or more effective selling visit

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