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Sandler Training | Milton, ON

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As a Sandler Sales Trainer and Sales Professional, I often get asked, how do we figure out WHY we are having a problem? If we can’t figure our the “WHY” we can never “FIX” the issue.

The Sandler Success Triangle is the answer.

When you are experiencing a sales or business or even life problem, turn to the B-A-T triangle to DIAGNOSE your problem. You need to be honest with yourself.


Behavior, have you set a plan for your success? Have you broken your plan down into actionable items? Are you tracking and measuring your progress against the goals? Are you doing SUFFICIENT behavior to succeed?

Attitude, are you truly OPEN to trying something new? Are you caught in a COMFORT ZONE? People’s own thoughts are often 80% negative, are you SELF SABOTAGING before you even begin?

Technique, how skilled are you at actually doing what is necessary? Real skill requires Ongoing, Incremental, Reinforcement based ROLE PLAYS with an observer who can provide Specific Feedback to allow you to PRACTICE AGAIN.

Most people think they have a TECHNIQUE problem, and this may be true. However, often the problem is BEHAVIOR. If you do the BEHAVIOR, you are likely to find better results improving your ATTITUDE, which increases your willingness to Practice more consistently.

Happy Selling. To learn more visit,

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